Cork entertainer Cian Twomey is taking the internet by storm

Cork entertainer Cian Twomey is taking the internet by storm

HE may have more than 1.6million Facebook followers, but chatting with Cian Twomey is no different than chatting any other young Irish man.

The 21-year-old Corkonian is a viral video star – and he is as flabbergasted by his swift rise to the top as anyone else.

“I sometimes forget that they are actual people,” he jokes. “It’s very strange to think that 1.6million people watch my videos.”

Along with his hundreds of thousands of followers – a figure that is growing daily – Cian has had his videos viewed more than 500million times.

His Facebook page, Mr Cian Twomey, has taken off this summer.

His on-screen character and alter ego is his ‘girlfriend’ Emily, who has kept his followers laughing since she was first introduced in February.

As Cian’s fans will know, Emily is an exaggerated version of his real-life girlfriend of nine months, also named Emily.

Though he has experienced some online trolling from people for bullying the real Emily with his video content, he told The Irish Post that the video ideas often come from her.

Cian as his alter ego Emily Cian as his alter ego Emily

“She comes up with the ideas herself!” he said. “She loves the videos. She will give me an idea and I’ll work out a conversation between Cian and the video Emily.”

Entertaining has always been one of Cian’s talents.

Growing up, he was the class clown in school but it was his late father who inspired him to start posting videos.

“I’m like his double, my personality is exactly like his was,” Cian said. “He always told me to look into the entertainment business. He died in 2011 and I started thinking about giving it a go.”

His father’s instincts proved to be spot on.

Cian’s growing popularity has seen him quit his job in an aluminium factory in Cork and drop his work with radio station Red FM to focus entirely on his videos.

“It’s a really weird job to have,” he admits. “But it’s great, I love it.”

A good indicator of Cian’s popularity was his 21st birthday last month, which he celebrated with a party in Cork city.

More than 800 people turned up.

“Yeah, 800 people showed up, I didn’t know anyone,” he jokes. “I had my close friends there though so it was a great night.”

As with anyone who is a success in the entertainment industry, Cian Twomey knows his strengths - and plans to use them to his advantage.

“Lee Evans is actually one of my biggest inspirations because it’s more how he says things that what he says,” Cian said. “It’s all about the delivery, and I think that’s what I’m good at too.”

“I don’t want to do stand-up,” he added. “I actually have the biggest fear of crowds!”

“I’d like to have a TV show eventually similar to some of the stuff by the likes of James Corden, David Walliams and Lee Evans.”

While he is coy about rumours that he is about to launch himself into Britain, Cian is a man with a plan.

“My plan is to get a plan!” he said.

One thing is for sure  - Cian Twomey is a name to watch out for.

Watch one of Cian's videos below (warning - strong language!)


When you get your girlfriend flowers

Posted by Mr Cian Twomey on Dé Sathairn, 27 Meitheamh 2015