Comedy video imagines what would happen if Europe could decide Britain's fate in the EU

Comedy video imagines what would happen if Europe could decide Britain's fate in the EU

COMEDY duo, Hunt The Vigan, have imagined what would happen if other nations in the European Union could decide whether Britain remains or leaves the EU in a funny video.

London-based actors and writers, James Gavigan and Erin Hunter, the team behind breastfeeding video 'Boobies in a Box', have created a parody in which European nations are given the choice, the day before the June 23 referendum, on whether to remove Britain from the European Union.

Gavigan, a Donegal native, told The Irish Post: "We wrote and shot it last week, which was pretty tough, as we had to fly round to all the capital cities of the EU...or we may have shot it in a green screen studio in West London."

Gavigan added himself and Hunter, originally from Los Angeles, created the video as a "motley pair of immigrants" who "understand the value of open borders."

The spoof concludes that, given the choice, most nations would vote Britain out of the EU, apart from Ireland, who would exclude Britain but keep Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales...

Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973 after two attempts to join in 1963 and 1967 were vetoed by France.

French President Charles de Gaulle famously said "non" twice.

Watch the video and tell us whether you agree: