Lord of the Dance
Working from home Covid guidance removed in Northern Ireland

Working from home Covid guidance removed in Northern Ireland

THE WORK from home Covid-19 guidance has been removed in Northern Ireland following an updated assessment by the Covid-19 Executive Taskforce.

The new guidance is said to take into account health, economic and social considerations, with ministers signalling that they are content with the change.

A TEO spokesperson said:

“While the threat from Covid-19 has certainly not disappeared, it has receded. The guidance ‘work from home where possible’ position is therefore not proportionate at this point.

“As with the removal of other Covid-19 measures, this should not be interpreted as meaning there is no risk from Covid or that the pandemic is over. While life continues to get back to normal, we must remain careful."

However, the employers "may still wish to consider how remote or flexible working could be used effectively to meet organisational need, for instance through adopting a hybrid working approach."

Employers should also consider practical mitigation measures for staff returning to workplaces.

“This update reflects the evolution of our response to the pandemic. Our vaccination programme and the use of innovative Covid-19 treatments means the risk of serious illness has been significantly reduced.

"By taking sensible precautions in our everyday lives, we can continue on the route back to normality." the statement concluded.