WATCH: Residents of Dublin nursing home share messages of hope during coronavirus crisis

WATCH: Residents of Dublin nursing home share messages of hope during coronavirus crisis

"TRY TO be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."

Residents of a Dublin-based nursing home have released a video full of messages of hope as the country takes cover from the spread of coronavirus.

In a beautifully inspiring and uplifting video, residents of Dublin's Maryfield Nursing Home shared words of wisdom, snippets of poetry and pleas for people to remain inside and do their bit as the country continues to flatten the curve and protect people.

The video begins with one woman stating that "we have helped to get you through two world wars, now help us to get through this pandemic. We feel we deserve it."

"Every new day is a gift, and every moment of that day should be a blessing for ourselves and for those we live with," another woman tells viewers.

One resident reassures the people of Ireland that, like the snowdrop which can survive the harshest of winters, we will bloom again "with glory giving us hope and joy".

Check out the fantastic video below, and remember to stay inside and save lives.

The video was shared by one of Maryfield's nurses, Hayley Gibbons, who wrote on Twitter:

"My beautiful residents in Maryfield Nursing Home Dublin!

"Super proud of their hope and positivity and of my fellow nurses, carers and all in the home.

"Keep it up guys."

Well done to all involved!