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Heroic Gardaí rescue two dogs from drowning in River Shannon

Heroic Gardaí rescue two dogs from drowning in River Shannon

GARDA OFFICERS in Limerick are being hailed as heroes for rescuing two pet dogs from an a-paw-lling situation.

As Ireland experiences a spate of horror stories of dogs being stolen from homes across the country, there's nothing better to hear than a happy dog story-- and that's certainly what this is.

Gardaí in Mayorstone Park in Limerick city were on patrol near St John's Castle yesterday when they heard calls for help from a member of the public.

Both dogs were rescued and were safely returned to their relieved owner (An Garda Síochána)

Rushing to the scene, the officers realised that two pet dogs had fallen into the River Shannon-- Ireland's longest river, which flows through 11 counties and can be extremely dangerous.

Thinking quickly, a huge rescue operation was undertaken to save the two dogs from the water, with Gardaí, members of the public and volunteers from local animal charity Limerick Animal Welfare all lending a hand to rescue the scared pups.

Thankfully, the collaboration paid off and both dogs were rescued from the water before being returned to their scared and relieved owner at the scene.

Image may contain: 1 person, dog and outdoor The Limerick gardaí, members of the public and animal charity volunteers are being hailed as heroes for their rescue (An Garda Síochána)

As the word of the heroic rescue spread, people from across Ireland thanked the Guards, the public and the animal charity volunteers for their quick thinking which certainly saved the two dogs' lives.

"Great work, well done to everyone involved," one woman wrote.

"Excellent work well done to the Guards who rescued the dogs," another said.

"Well done to you all for rescuing those gorgeous dogs! There must have been one very happy owner!" one wrote on Limerick Animal Welfare's Facebook page after they shared the story.

"We need more like ye, the country for animals would be a better place."

It's far from the first time Gardaí have been involved with saving animals in recent weeks-- in Donegal, officers saved two different hedgehogs within days-- one which had a broken leg and got a trip to the vet in a Garda hat, and another who had gotten stuck in an empty drink carton.