Gardaí prepared to arrest Lisa Smith as soon as she arrives in Ireland

Gardaí prepared to arrest Lisa Smith as soon as she arrives in Ireland

DETECTIVES INVOLVED in the case of 'ISIS Bride' Lisa Smith (38) are preparing to arrest her as soon as she lands in Ireland.

According to The Irish Independent, Smith is expected back in Ireland this month, likely on a commercial flight from Turkey, where she is currently being held along with her two-year-old daughter.

It is believed that Smith will be approached by Gardaí from the Special Detective Unit, which specialises in foreign terror threats, the moment she steps off the plane.

Depending on her reaction and willingness to cooperate, Smith will either be interviewed voluntarily or arrested and taken for questioning under section 30 of the Offenses Against the State Act, which will allow Gardaí to hold her without charge for up to 72 hours.

The former Defense Forces member could arrive in Ireland as early as within the next 12 days, as she risks deportation if she does not cooperate with Turkish authorities.

The ISIS sympathiser will be questioned about her actions since leaving Ireland four years ago, and will be assessed in order to see if she poses any threat to the country or its people. Information gathered from the questioning and assessment will then be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who will then decide on further action.

In the centre of this is Smith's two-year-old daughter, who was born in Daesh territory and of whom Tánaiste Simon Coveny said:

"My primary concern is a two-year-old girl who, in my view, as an Irish citizen we have an obligation to protect, and that is what is driving all of this,".