American tourist 'dies after choking on food' at Donald Trump resort in Doonbeg

American tourist 'dies after choking on food' at Donald Trump resort in Doonbeg

AN AMERICAN WOMAN has choked to death while eating at Donald Trump's luxury resort in Doonbeg, Co. Clare, an inquest has heard.

The incident reportedly occurred on May 25 earlier this year.

Ms Buchebner, from Destin, Florida, collapsed while eating with her daughter, Jeannie McGee.

The 82-year-old died of asphyxiation in spite of the efforts of three off-duty doctors and a number of Trump's Doonbeg staff who came to her aid.

General views of the Trump International golf resort where US President Donald Trump stayed during his three day visit to Ireland on June 7, 2019 in Doonbeg, Ireland. The resort employs over 300 local people in the area and the village.

The alarm was raised at around 7.30pm, after which CPR was administered and a defibrillator was used, but Ms Bechebner was pronounced dead by 8pm.

"Everything that could have been done was done," said the coroner.

"We were fortunate that there were three medics on hand and every possible assistance was given to Ms Buchebner by staff as well."

According to the Irish Independent, local man Tony Pender said he'd been talking to Ms Buchebner and Ms McGee at their table, telling those around him to "call an ambulance - that woman is not well."

In his evidence, Mr Pender said: "I knew by her face that she was in distress. She wasn't coughing - she just leaned over."

A post-mortem found that Ms Buchebner's larynx and the upper part of her oesophagus were blocked by food.