13 Irish phrases to celebrate the New Year and how to pronounce them

13 Irish phrases to celebrate the New Year and how to pronounce them

DIA DAOIBH gach duine, Christmas has come and gone and the year 2020 is looming, which means it's time for another Irish lesson to improve your cúpla focail.

In October, we taught you 16 spooky Halloween words in Irish and how to pronounce them (check it out here!), at Christmas we learned about Stiofán ag Simí (Shakin' Stevens) and Síscéal de Nua-Eabhrac (Fairytale of New York), and now it's time to do the same for the New Year celebrations.

Whether you'll spend New Year's Eve in the teach tábhairne (pub) with friends or sa bhaile (at home) with family, we can all come together under our love of the teanga.

So without further ado...


13 Irish phrases to celebrate the New Year and how to pronounce them

New Years Eve - Oíche Chinn Bliana - Ee-ha heen bleean-na

New Years Day - Lá Caille - Law Kyle-ah

Happy New Year - Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit - Ah-vleen fwee vosh-a gwit

End of the year - Deireadh na mbliain - Derr-ah na mblee-an

January - Eanair- Ann-er

Music - Ceoil - Keeohl

Dancing - Ag damhsa - Egg Dow-sa

Family - Clann - Clown

New Years Resolution - Rún na hAthbhliana - Roon na ha-vleean-a

Give up smoking - Eírí as an tobac - Eye-ree oss on tuh-bak

Give up chocolate - Eírí as seacláid -Eye-ree oss shock-lawd

Healthy - Sláintiúil - Slawn-chool

2020 (Twenty twenty) - Fiche Fiche - Fih-hah fih-hah