TV GUIDE: New documentary looks back at the iconic Dublin department store Clery's following its dramatic closure in 2015
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TV GUIDE: New documentary looks back at the iconic Dublin department store Clery's following its dramatic closure in 2015

FRIDAY, June 12, 2015 marked the end of an era as the iconic O’Connell Street department store Clery’s closed its doors for the last time.

With no notice of closure, overnight, 460 staff lost their jobs.

Gerry Markey-n Former Clery's employee Gerry Markey. Picture: RTÉ

Available to watch now from Britain on RTÉ Player International, the new RTÉ documentary, 

With over 70 years’ service between them, Maurice and Gerry now search for answers regarding their sudden unemployment following the closure and liquidation.

In the wake of the shock announcement and with only a half an hour to vacate the building following its closure, Maurice and Gerry are forced to deal with the harsh reality that, when big business comes down, a lifetime of dedicated service often counts for very little.

Mauricebracken-n Former Clery's worker Maurice Bracken Picture: RTÉ

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