Celebs help Enterprise Ireland celebrate St Patrick's Day in London
St Patrick's 2015

Celebs help Enterprise Ireland celebrate St Patrick's Day in London

TELEVISION presenter Gaby Roslin was among the guests who turned out to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with Enterprise Ireland in London this month.

The broadcaster, who caught her break on Channel 4’s The Big Breakfast in the early 1990s, was joined by fellow presenter Brendan Courtney for the reception hosted by the Irish government agency.

Guests and clients gathered to mark St Patrick’s Day with representatives from Enterprise Ireland’s British team at Trinity House in Tower Hill on the evening of Thursday, March 12.

The event celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and “the longstanding social and commercial links between Britain and Ireland” and EI spokesperson told The Irish Post.

“It’s a reception for EI clients, their guests, as well as many of our leading industry contacts,” they added.

“It is also intended to foster and strengthen the relationships between Irish and British companies."

Ireland’s Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Heather Humphreys TD was guest speaker at the event.