1. Hurleys are made from ash wood using the base of the tree near the root – the most nutritious part
2. English actor Jason Statham used a hurley as a weapon in the opening scene of the 2011 film Blitz – a film about a serial killer targeting police officers in South East London
3. The average adult hurley measures around 35 inches – roughly the same height as a cricket or baseball bat

Hurleys are made in all sizes, big and small (Photo: Inpho)
4. Around 75 per cent of Ireland’s wood supply is imported – with a significant number of hurleys being made from wood from England and Wales
5. Between 300,000 and 400,000 hurleys are produced in Ireland each year
6. It’s likely a hurler will go through several hurleys during a single season – as no matter how well crafted they are they can break if they collide with another player. While some county teams cover the cost of players' kits, at an average of €20–50 per hurley, some smaller team players spend around €100 per season on hurleys
7. For a short period in the 1970s hurleys were made from plastic – but these were phased out as they were more likely to cause injury

Making hurleys is considered an art form (Photo: Twitter)
8. Hurling is considered the fastest field sport in the world – the sliotar (ball) can be hit up to 100mph
9. Hurley making is considered an ancient craft with each stick carefully handcrafted and, therefore, unique to its owner
10. President Obama, Queen Elizabeth and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi have all been presented with a special hurley while on visits to Ireland