Lord of the Dance
MTK Global's CEO has resigned after sanctions were put on Daniel Kinahan and his family

MTK Global's CEO has resigned after sanctions were put on Daniel Kinahan and his family

BOB YALEN, MTK Global's CEO has walked away from his role with the boxing promotion company after the US Government applied worldwide sanctions on Daniel Kinahan and his family.

Yalen has been MTK's President and CEO since 2018 and has now resigned due to 'personal reasons' 

A statement released on the MTK website read, 

"We regret to announce that Bob Yalen has today stepped down as CEO of MTK Global for personal reasons."

"We would like to thank him for all of his efforts on behalf of the business and his leadership of our team." 

Yalen himself spoke about the resignation and added: 

"I  am incredibly proud of the success of MTK Global and I feel privileged to have served as President and CEO since 2018", he said.

He also added that the pressure of the role had an effect on the decision his decisions to walk away from MTK.

“However, the pressure of the last few weeks has been particularly intense."

"I need to consider the impact on myself and my family."

"So after four years leading MTK, I think it’s time for me to step aside to take on new challenges.”

Kinahan was a co-founder of the MTK Global agency alongside former boxer Matthew Macklin under the name of MGM Promotions, but rebranded it to MTK Global after the Regency shootings in 2017.

Macklin is said to have no involvement in the Kinahan family's dealings.

The company represents a number of high profile fighters like Tyson Fury and Michael Conlan.

Speaking about his relationship with the Dubliner, The Gypsy King said: "It’s none of my business, and I don’t get involved in other people’s business." Fury told Ring TV