Kevin Potts is the new IRFU CEO

Kevin Potts is the new IRFU CEO

KEVIN POTTS has been announced as the new IRFU CEO. He replaces outgoing chief executive Philip Browne. 

Ireland's Rugby governing body stated that the process was done internally to find a suitable candidate. The extensive search for a replacement has now ended as they have picked POTTS to take up the role. He is their current Chief Operating Officer.

Potts, a Chartered Accountant is a former Leinster and Ireland A player who joined the Union in 2005. He has occupied senior management roles since 1993, and will assume the CEO role when Browne retires on New Year's Eve.

The incoming Chief Executive paid tribute to Browne and acknowledged the issues he will inherit when he assumes his new role, not least the ongoing reviews into the women’s game and the national team's failure to qualify for next year's World Cup in New Zealand.

"This is a huge honor for me," Potts said in an IRFU statement.

"Rugby brings people together, on and off the field; and is a topic of conversation the length and breadth of the country, because people are passionate about it.

"Clearly the immediate challenges will be around the 6 Nations Championships in these times of ongoing Covid uncertainty, the completion of the critically important reviews into our women’s game, and the continued support of our provinces and clubs in an ever-changing environment.

"Rugby has always played a central role in my life, both as a player and administrator. Therefore, player welfare and the development of the game will be central to my decision making.

"I want to thank, and acknowledge the leadership of, Philip Browne over almost three decades at the forefront of Irish Rugby. Philip is one of the most respected CEOs in Ireland and across world rugby and it is an honor to succeed him."

IRFU President Des Kavanagh congratulated Potts on his appointment and recognised his qualities for the role.

IRFU President, in welcoming the appointment, said:

"Kevin has come through a particularly rigorous recruitment process to achieve this appointment as Chief Executive," Kavanagh said.

"Throughout the process he has displayed, in abundance, all the attributes required to lead the IRFU in an ever-evolving environment, reflecting the significant commercial and societal changes facing the game.

"Kevin has been a very strong Chief Operating Officer for the IRFU and been a central figure in many of the Union’s key projects over the past number of years, including most recently, oversight of the IRFU’s successful negotiations with CVC as part of the Pro14 (URC) and 6 Nations transactions, in addition to the extensive remit he oversees across the organization."