Irish youth footballer who suffered acid attack given signed Ireland top as recovery continues

Irish youth footballer who suffered acid attack given signed Ireland top as recovery continues

TEGA AGBERHIERE, a young Irish footballer was presented with a signed Republic of Ireland shirt by Colin O’Brien as his recovery following an acid attack back in April continues.

The Waterford youngster was with two friends who were also badly wounded during the assault earlier in the year.

The promising footballer had been part of the Ireland U17 setup, but has had to put his career on hold while he’s on the mend.

The FAI posted a photo on Twitter of U17 head coach O’Brien giving the shirt to Tega, which had been signed by his teammates.

“Head Coach Colin O’Brien presents a signed IRLU17 jersey to Tega Agberhiere,” they wrote.

“Tega, who has been involved with Ireland at underage level, was a victim of a horrible attack and is now recovering well.”

Tega suffered burns to his face, arms and legs during the horrific attack and for a time after the assault, he was unable to see.

Previously speaking to WLR FM, he said: “I should be able to see, my vision will be able to get to how it was before soon.”

When asked about how painful it was, he said: “I can’t describe it. When I got here I thought I’d never be able to see again.

“I 100% thought I’d never be able to see another thing in my life.

“I’m just grateful for everyone who’s texted and been messaging me and saying nice things, it’s helping me get through everything.

“Everyday I’m getting better with all the messages I’m getting. I want to say thanks.”

Tega has had trials with both Tottenham Hotspur and Crystal Palace, but for now, his football and his recovery will take place in Ireland.