11 things we all secretly loved about going back to school as kids in Ireland
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11 things we all secretly loved about going back to school as kids in Ireland

THOUGH IT might not have been 'cool' to admit it, going back to school after the long summer break was one of the best bits of the academic year.

Once upon a time before the 24/7 smartphone-led social media of today, returning to school was a chance to reconnect with old classmates after several weeks of ever-growing boredom.

Here are just a few things we all secretly loved about the first day back at school...

11. Wrapping your school books

It had to be brown paper otherwise there would be trouble, of course.

10. The journey to school

The warm-up act before the main event.

9. All the new stationery

Sharp pencils, a full pack of pens with all the lids and brand new (and hopefully cool) pencil case.

8. Chatting about holidays

Because what else was there to talk about?

7. Fancy new shoes

Black, shiny and guaranteed to be ruined in a matter of weeks.

6. Classroom seating politics

Which of your friends would you end up sat next to?

5. New exercise books

Writing for the first time in a new book. Magic.

4. Testing new teachers

A chance to see what you could and couldn't get away with.

3. Clean sports kit

Because let's face it, your smelly kit is staying at school for the rest of the year.

2. Swapping your lunch

A pack of Quavers for a Wagon Wheel? Seems fair.

1. Owning this pen

And of course, the legendary multicoloured pen thing. All the colours of the rainbow – including a few you never even knew existed.