Lord of the Dance
Vote narrows in largest online opinion poll on Friday's Irish referendum vote

Vote narrows in largest online opinion poll on Friday's Irish referendum vote

A SECOND daily poll on The Irish Post's Facebook page has seen a big swing in the voting.

In our first poll more than 2,800 Twitter and Facebook users put their cross alongside their voting preference in the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution - or, indeed how they would vote if they were eligible on Friday, May 25.

But in our Facebook poll overnight and today more than 3,200 Facebook users registered their vote as the "once in a generation" poll creeps ever closer.

In our second poll we asked you the question: "If you were to vote in the Irish Referendum right now, how would you vote?"

With the choice being either "Yes! Repeal the Eighth!" or "No! Don't Repeal" we again tested the pulse of the Irish and we got a very profound answer.

On Tuesday it was a landslide: just over 65 per cent said that "Yes!" you would repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution.

Only 35 per cent of you wanted to maintain the status quo.

But as we get closer to the vote on Friday, May 25 the gap between the two sides has closed significantly.

In the latest poll 55 per cent of you voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment. But the "No" vote has strengthened in the last 24 hours with 45 per cent of our voters declaring against any change in the Irish Constitution.

But there is still all to play for. There are still two Irish Post polls to take part in before the historic vote and so two chances to take part in what is the largest online opinion poll on this issue.

So, if you didn't get to vote in our "online referendum" the last two times then go to our Facebook page right now and register your opinion.

And if you did vote twice, well done! Now go vote again, your opinion continues to matter.