Vapes worth €3k containing cannabis seized after person falls ill

Vapes worth €3k containing cannabis seized after person falls ill

VAPES worth more than €3k containing suspected cannabis have been seized by Gardaí in Donegal.

Officers seized €3,080 of vaping products containing suspected illegal cannabinoids during searches carried out Bundoran and Donegal Town on August 22, they confirmed last night.

“As a result of the ongoing investigation into the sale or supply of cannabis in the form of oil and vapes, devices and e-cigarettes in Donegal, the Divisional Drugs Unit searched a number of premises,” the force confirmed in a statement.

“The searches followed on from Garda enquiries into reports of a medical incident, in which a member of the public had fallen ill,” they added.

Items seized during the search included 66 vapes and two bottles of oil, containing “suspected illegal cannabinoids” they confirmed.

The items seized are now subject to analysis by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI).