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Why two-day weekends may actually be bad for you
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Why two-day weekends may actually be bad for you

TWO-DAY weekends should be scrapped in favour of a system that sees us enjoy three days off followed by four days of work.

That's the advice being offered by one study published in The Sun which highlights how having just two days off a week can have a negative impact on our overall wellbeing.

It's all to do with the body's internal clock and a study published in the tabloid that highlighted how this may actually be disrupting our circadian rhythm.

A rather fancy way of referring to the body's internal clock, sleeping in or staying up late over those two days at the weekend has been shown to adjust our circadian rhythm to the point that our moods and overall capabilities in the workplace can be hindered.

The solution could lie in introducing a third day at the weekend - essentially making every weekend a bank holiday one.

It's proven effective in previous trials.

One firm in New Zealand trialled a four-day working week model for two months with some interesting results.

While 78 per cent of workers felt they enjoyed a better work-life balance, compared with 54% prior to the trial, stress levels also decreased by around seven per cent.

Alas, there are no plans in place to introduce a change in either the UK or Ireland.

Worse still, there are no more bank holidays on the calendar in the UK until Christmas.

It's a little better in Ireland, at least, with another to come in October.