DONALD TRUMP has declared victory in the US Presidential election-- despite not all votes having been counted.
The fight for the Presidency has gone down to the wire, with no clear winner as of 4am GMT or 9am Irish time.
With counting still underway, Biden currently has 220 Electoral College votes, and Trump has 213.
However, incumbent Donald Trump appeared at a press briefing earlier this morning to state that the election results are "phenomenal", and said: "Frankly, we did win".

He claimed this year's election process, which includes a record number of mail-in ballots, was a "major fraud on our nation", and demanded that all vote counting stop, saying "this is an embarrassment to our country".
He accused his opponents of being "a very sad group of people" who were trying to "disenfranchise" the "millions and millions" of people who had voted for him.
"We won't allow it," he said, and even threatened to go to the Supreme Court to take action.
Donald Trump has so far won the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Texas-- which had the potential to be a swing state this year-- but the race is close, and Biden is far from out of the running as the absentee votes continue to be counted.
At the time of writing, Trump holds 48.6% of the popular vote with 64.9 million votes and 213 Electoral College votes, and Biden is slightly ahead, holding 49.9% of the popular vote, 66.7 million, and 220 Electoral College votes.
At the same time as Trump declared victory, Democrat Joe Biden also said he believes he is "on track to win this election" in a speech to supporters at a drive-in rally.
He also tweeted it was "not my place or Donald Trump's place to declare the winner of this election. It's the voters place".
With the huge number of mail-in ballots still to be counted, and the race as tight as it is, it could be a number of days before the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election is confirmed.