Ticketmaster prompts more complaints than any other company

Ticketmaster prompts more complaints than any other company

NEW FIGURES reveal that Ticketmaster prompted the most complaints to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission helpline last year. The company registered 614 contacts, the majority of which were said to be in relation to its surge pricing policy around the Oasis tour later this year.

Ticketmaster were followed closely by Eir – who clocked up a total of 604 complaints – whilst Ryanair registered a toral of 554. Contacts to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission’s consumer helpline rose a staggering 13% overall last year, with nearly 45,000 people availing of the service.

Complaints around motor transport provoked some 5,451 contacts, making it the most common issue among end users assisted by the CCPC. This was followed by telecommunications (prompting 2,920 complaints) and home building and improvements (2,525).

The CCPC stated that it had recently made contact with the Department for Transport in relation to introducing an online car-history portal; a move which would allow consumers to gather information from both insurers and the NCT, and help buyers more readily avoid vehicles which were deemed unfit, damaged or clocked.

Complaints relating to recreation, sport and leisure businesses experienced a 76% year-on-year jump increase, with the issues pertaining to that sector jumping from 869 in 2023 to a staggering 1,527 in 2024.

20% of consumers who used the CCPC helpline said that their main issue was to do with faulty goods and services. This, according to CCPC spokeswoman Grainne Griffin, was “driven by very high costs related to second-hand cars and home improvements.

“Unfortunately for those consumers, they will not be able to use the small claims process to resolve their issue, because the small claims court only deals with cases up to €2,000. This limit urgently needs to be addressed.

“The CCPC is very glad to see that a growing number of consumers are checking their rights with the CCPC when they run into difficulties. Almost 45,000 consumers contacted us last year and we were able to explain their rights or point them towards an agency or service that could help them.”

The publication of the full CCPC 2024 Helpline Report will coincide with World Consumer Rights Day on Saturday 15 March.