A TEENAGE boy is recovering in hospital following a brutal attack in Bangor, Co. Down.
According to The Belfast Telegraph, the man is 19 years of age and was attacked in the area of Ballynoe Gardens.
The man was behind the Kilcooley shops when two men attacked him and it is believed paramilitaries were involved in the crime. The attack has been condemned as 'brutal and horrific'.
A PSNI spokesman appealed for information from the general public: "Whilst these injuries are not life-threatening, this was a brutal and horrific attack on a young man...
"Detectives are appealing to anyone who witnessed this incident or anyone with any information that can assist with the investigation to contact them in Bangor Police Station on 101 quoting reference number 1448 of 01/12/17. Alternatively, information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime."