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Who is Sue? Mystery surrounds identity of woman named in bizarre field display

Who is Sue? Mystery surrounds identity of woman named in bizarre field display

CROP circles have long been debunked but a new mystery has struck a field in England, with everyone asking – who is Sue?

On Thursday the National Police Air Service’s Benson helicopter spotted the name ‘Sue’ – and what looked like an X – etched into an Oxfordshire field.

The crew snapped a picture of the huge letters and posted it to their Twitter account, asking: “Does anyone know Sue just south of #Tetsworth, the other side of the M40?!”

They added: “Let’s see if we can use the power of social media to #FindSue! Please share far and wide!”

They later revealed that Sue had been tracked down and that the sign was a personal message, but she wanted to remain anonymous.

However that didn’t stop the Twittersphere speculating as to her identity and the motive behind the message, with #WhoIsSue and #FindSue trending on social media.