Stephen Fry reveals secret cancer battle in video

Stephen Fry reveals secret cancer battle in video

STEPHEN FRY has announced he has been fighting cancer.

"I've said the C word first off now," he said in a moving 12-minute video released on Youtube today.

The presenter and comedian was diagnosed just after Christmas when he went to his doctor for a flu jab.

"For the last two months I’ve been in the throes of a rather unwelcome and unexpected adventure," he said.

"I’m sorry I haven’t felt able to talk about it till now, but here I am explaining what has been going on."

After various tests, Fry revealed his prostate was removed and that last month he was told the cancer had not spread.

The 60-year-old added: "I've been keeping my head down as much as possible. Cancer is a word that just rings in your head.

"You don't think it's going to happen to you. They took the prostate out. So far as we know it's all been got.

Fry, who has previously appeared on Irish soap opera Ros na Rún, said he life was saved by the early intervention.

He also urged others to get checked.

Watch the video below...