Shoppers watch on in horror as teenager struck by car outside Irish shopping centre

Shoppers watch on in horror as teenager struck by car outside Irish shopping centre

HORRIFIED shoppers watched on as a car mounted a pedestrianised shopping area in Dublin and collided with a 15-year-old boy this afternoon.

The incident, which took place at around 5pm at Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, saw a black BMW car driven at high speed through the paved area around the shopping centre, which is only for pedestrians.

A boy of 15 was knocked down by the car, the Irish Independent reports, before it drove off away from the centre.

Terrified shoppers saw the whole thing, with one witness claiming: "The driver drove down the path and knocked the guy down. He turned the car around and sped off again."

Others claimed there had previously been an argument between a group of young people in the area earlier in the day.

"It was very frightening to say the least," another witness said.

Gardai, who attended the scene, along with emergency service personnel, who treated the boy on the ground before taking him to hospital by ambulance, said they are searching for the driver of the car in question.