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Semi State-owned bus operator Bus Éireann to investigate allegations of racism

Semi State-owned bus operator Bus Éireann to investigate allegations of racism

IRISH public transport provider Bus Éireann has been forced to investigate an allegation of racist behaviour in the West of Ireland.

In the county of Galway, a bus driver for the semi-State owned transport company has been accused of racism.

The incident comes as the second episode of alleged racism on bus services towards people of colour.

The alleged incident was witnessed by an Irish man who lodged a complaint with the bus company.

He said he was appalled at the way the woman was treated by the driver, even noting he was 'embarrassed to be Irish'.

The man was using the Gort to Limerick bus service when he noticed maltreatment of a woman believed to be of African or South-American descent.

Speaking to the Connacht Tribune,  a spokesperson for Bus Éireann said that racist incidents occurring in Galway are 'rare'.

They reiterated they would investigate the complaint: "Bus Éireann received a complaint about this alleged incident, and it will be investigated as all other complaints are.

"Complaints about alleged racism in Galway are extremely rare. Our workforce includes nationalities from 33 different countries, and we are a key participant in Transport for Ireland’s Anti-Racism Campaign."