Receiver appointed to forcibly collect unpaid fines from Enoch Burke

Receiver appointed to forcibly collect unpaid fines from Enoch Burke

THE High Court in Ireland has given the go ahead for a State-appointed receiver to collect unpaid fines from the salary of Enoch Burke. As it stands, he currently owes around €80,000.

The court also granted an order to freeze Mr. Burke’s bank account in an attempt to ensure that the money owed was paid. It is understood that Mr. Burke was not in court to receive the hearing.

Enoch Burke’s brother Isaac was also found in contempt of court after he interrupted the judge. He later purged his contempt by opting to remain silent for the rest of the hearing at the request of Justice David Nolan.

Enoch Burke’s troubles date back to early 2023, following a High Court ruling that he would be required to pay a €700 fine for every day he continued to attend Wilson Hospital school in breach of his court injunction.

In February of this year, Justice David Nolan found that Mr. Burke had continued to attend the school in ‘flagrant breach’ of his court order, and as a result new daily fines of €1,400 were levied.

None of the fines were paid, despite the fact that €79,100 had accrued while Mr. Burke was still in receipt of his salary from the Department of Education.

Enoch Burke has appealed his dismissal by the school, remaining on fully paid administrative leave pending an outcome.

Counsel for the Attorney General, Brian Kennedy SC, said that since the State is Enoch Burke’s paymaster, it is the State who he owes money to.

The case returns to court next week, during which Enoch Burke will have an opportunity to argue against the order which was granted today.