PSNI arrests over disorder rise to 34 as chief constable vows to 'relentlessly pursue' perpetrators

PSNI arrests over disorder rise to 34 as chief constable vows to 'relentlessly pursue' perpetrators

THE PSNI has revealed it has made 34 arrests in relation to recent disorder as Chief Constable Jon Boutcher vowed to 'relentlessly pursue' perpetrators.

Three more people were arrested on Saturday on suspicion of offences including encouraging or assisting riot.

Speaking on Sunday, CC Boutcher also said he would be 'seeking the maximum sentences' for those who have attacked officers, with 20 injured so far.

"Over the last week we have seen some despicable scenes across Northern Ireland of violence and disorder with one purpose, to scare our communities and incite hatred," he said.

"All of our communities, that's everyone across society in Northern Ireland, needs to call out this intimidation and violence. We will not tolerate it."

He added: "We will relentlessly pursue those who carry out these senseless acts of violence."

Latest arrests

On Saturday, a 26-year-old man was arrested in south Belfast on suspicion of a number of offences, including riot and possession of an offensive weapon.

A 58-year-old man in north Belfast and a 30-year-old man in Bangor were both arrested on suspicion of intentionally encouraging or assisting riot.

All three remain in police custody today.

Meanwhile, a 55-year-old man arrested in Belfast on Friday on suspicion of publishing written material intended to stir up hatred has been released on bail to allow for further enquiries.

A 37-year-old man in Portrush and a 48-year-old man in Belfast, who were both arrested on suspicion of intentionally encouraging riot, have been released following questioning.

Of the 34 people arrested to date, 25 have been charged.

Three have been released on bail to allow for further enquiries, three have been released unconditionally following questioning and three remain in custody.

'Maximum sentences'

Speaking on Sunday, CC Boutcher said that of the 20 officers injured, half were hurt during trouble in Derry last night when police were attacked with fireworks, petrol bombs and masonry.

Some of the injuries have resulted in hospitalisation, with one female officer sustaining severe facial injuries and a male officer suffering a broken leg.

The chief constable said he would use 'every resource' to track down everyone responsible for the recent violence, adding that 'age will not play a factor… they will be arrested and prosecuted'.

"It is not acceptable to assault or attack police officers. I will be seeking the maximum sentences against those convicted of such attacks," he said.

"We will not simply stand here and accept this.

"Last week a parent was charged with three counts of riot and three counts of child cruelty relating to the disorder and appeared at Belfast Magistrates' Court on Friday.

"Connected to those charges, a 15-year-old boy also appeared at court charged with four counts of riot, possession of a petrol bomb and three counts of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place.

"We also arrested and charged people for inciting the disorder we have seen, through their online activity.

"I am determined to pursue those involved in the violence and those inciting and encouraging it with every piece of legislation, every resource and every tactic available to me."

'Future in our hands'

However, CC Boutcher praised those who had condemned the recent behaviour as he urged everyone to think about the society being created for Northern Ireland's young people.

"These people should not be louder than us," he said.

"We will not allow hatred and mindless violence win. That is not the society we want nor will allow.

"It is at times like this that the future for our society is shaped. That future is in our hands, not these thugs."

Tonight, police released fresh images of people they are seeking in connection with recent disorder and last night's attacks on officers.

They can be viewed by clicking here.