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Primary school bans staff from saying 'morning boys and girls' because it isn't inclusive enough

Primary school bans staff from saying 'morning boys and girls' because it isn't inclusive enough

THE HEADTEACHER of a primary school has banned the phrase 'morning boys and girls' in her classrooms because it isn't 'inclusive'.

Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, who runs a school in Birmingham, says the greeting is "divisive" and has told staff to use the phrase 'good morning everyone' instead.

"It's a slightly strange way of dividing everyone, and 'good morning everyone' is more inclusive," the headteacher claims.

She has also outlawed terms like 'man up', 'grow a pair' and 'boys don't cry', in an attempt to tackle sexism and bullying in her school.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain on Thursday, Ms Hewitt-Clarkson defended her decision, arguing that the phrases were banned because they are "very damaging" to children, and particularly young boys.

"We have seen in the last year the biggest ever rise in child abuse, in grooming, for example and if our boys and girls grow up and in school we don't challenge this kind of sexist language and boys are told 'man up, grow a pair, don't cry, boys don't cry', then it is very, very damaging for them," she said.

"Abusers in later life, or bullies in school… will also use this fear, and fear is the biggest weapon that abusers have and if boys get told 'boys aren't afraid', then… where are they going to go when they are afraid?"

Fellow guest and broadcaster Nana Akua disagreed, arguing that this sort of behaviour was "creating a generation of wallflower kids".

"It’s absolutely ridiculous," she told the show.

"What I think we are doing here now is dissecting language in the most clinical form, and then creating a generation of wallflower kids who are literally listening for an offence.

"It is getting to the point where we're losing a grip here.

"We need to be looking at the context of language. Things said in a certain way, in different contexts mean totally different things.

"Really we should be teaching the kids context of language and how to use a language that is non-offensive in a context.

"To be honest, I'd be very worried if this woman was teaching my kids."