‘Pointless vandalism’: Phone mast damaged in arson attack is ‘not the first’

‘Pointless vandalism’: Phone mast damaged in arson attack is ‘not the first’

A PHONE mast was left with extensive damage following an arson attack in west Belfast.

The incident occurred in the early hours of yesterday morning (June 24) in the Distillery Street area.

“Around 12.15am, police were advised by NI Fire and Rescue Service that its crews were battling a mast fire off Distillery Street,” the PSNI confirmed.

“Officers assisted by closing part of the city-bound Westlink for a number of hours to ensure public safety,” they added.

They have now launched a public appeal for information about the incident, which they are treating as an arson attack.

The incident happened in the Distillery Street area

“Police are appealing for information relating to the deliberate ignition of the telecommunications mast,” they said.

The PSNI’s Sergeant Peter Tew explained: “We are treating this fire, which caused extensive damage to this mast which remains upright, as arson.

“Our enquiries are continuing today.

“We’d ask that anyone with information or who would have dash-cam or doorbell video footage covering this area contact us on 101 quoting 17 24/06/24.”

Responding to the incident, local SDLP councillor Paul Doherty described it as “pointless vandalism”, while adding that “disappointingly, this is not the first attack of this nature we have seen in this area”.

“All that has been achieved is an inconvenience to the people who live here, the vast majority of whom do not support this,” he added.