Lord of the Dance
'My people came from Famine-era Ireland - A place Trump would call a shithole'

'My people came from Famine-era Ireland - A place Trump would call a shithole'

AN IRISH American TV host has said his ancestors came from Ireland, during a time when Trump would consider it a 'shithole.' 

The President is reported to have asked a meeting in the Oval Office why the US allows people from 'shithole countries' to come into the country.

The comment was reported to have been made at a Senate meeting to discuss protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal.

Responding to the comments, broadcaster Lawrence O'Donnell said: "My people came from what Trump would call a shithole country, no running water, no plumbing, no toilets, rampant poverty, disease, and famine.

"That was the Ireland that my ancestors left to come here just so they could eat.

"That was back when Trump’s family name was still Drumpf, and they lived in what Donald Trump would call a shithole country."

O'Donnell then goes on say that Trump is a man 'consumed by hate.'

Trump has questioned why the US accepts immigrants from 'shithole countries.' (Picture: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

"Donald Trump knows nothing of where we all came from. He is a man consumed by hatreds.

"Individual hatred, like his newfound hatred of Steve Bannon, as well as group hatreds, from Mexicans to Muslims.

"Hating is what he does," O'Donnell says. "Hating countries is second nature to Donald Trump.

"There are 54 African countries, Donald Trump surely cannot name two of them but he knows what he thinks about all of them."

He added that “nobody who was paying attention to Trump” could be surprised by the comment.

Watch Lawrence O'Donnell powerfully condemn Trump's 'shithole countries' comments in the video below... 

Larence O'Donnell's spot on Commentary On Trump's Racism

Lawrence O'Donnell gives an epic commentary about Trump's racist comments. Absolutely 100% spot-on perfect!

Posted by Blue State Daily on Thursday, 11 January 2018