A PASSENGER displaying “Coronavirus-like symptoms” was reportedly led off a flight arriving into Dublin Airport by medics in protective suits.
Six ambulances were also put in place prior to the plane’s landing.
According to Dublin Live, a major medical response team was put in place after an individual on board a flight arriving in the Irish capital was found to be displaying “flu-like symptoms” not dissimilar to those associated with the virus outbreak that originated from China.
The report indicates that the flight came into Dublin from Moscow in Russia, touching down in the capital at approximately 9pm on Saturday, February 1.
The person displaying the symptoms was transported to a nearby isolation ward at Mater Hospital which was previously setup following the Ebola Crisis.
All of the remaining passengers on the flight were held at the airport for around an hour and advised to avoid contact with other people for at least 24 hours and contact the authorities in the event that they begin to display any symptoms of the virus.
Information handed to the passengers and shared with Dublin Live reads: "You have been on a flight from Moscow today with a possible case of novel Coronavirus.
"Please avoid contact with other people as much as possible tonight.
"If you become ill, especially with a cough, sore throat, breathlessness or high temperature please stay home or in your hotel room and phone a doctor or 999 for advice, mentioning that you are on this flight.
"A public health doctor will contact you tomorrow."
A senior figure within the Irish health service has confirmed that airport protocols were put in place but these were just a precautionary measure designed to ensure the virus does not spread further.
They were also keen to stress that there are no confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Ireland to date.