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Original heartwarming documentary detailing the lives of working dogs to air on Irish TV tonight

Original heartwarming documentary detailing the lives of working dogs to air on Irish TV tonight

PUPPIES AND the Irish language-- what more could you want?

Irish-language television network TG4 have a treat in store for people in Ireland as they prepare to air their new documentary 'Saol an Mhadra Bháin' or 'The Secret World of Working Dogs' tonight.

If your Irish isn't quite up to scratch, don't despair-- the landmark documentary contains both English and Irish, and will have English subtitiles throughout.

The two-part documentary looks set to pull on the heartstrings, as it tells the stories of the men, women and children whose lives are drastically changed for the better when they are introduced to their Working Dog-- check out the trailer below.

The Secret World will explore the incredible talents of dogs trained to help doctors and scientists find breakthroguh medical solutions to global problems, but will also blend science with human interest as viewers learn about the incredibly special bond between the working dogs and their humans.

Viewers will also watch as the pups play out their important roles in helping people with medical illnesses like cancer, epilepsy and diabetes, to supporting the visually impaired and those with autism or other sensory issues.

Following the lives of the pups from birth through training and the end of their working lives, this two-part documentary will capture just how important these animals' work is as viewers are brought into the homes and shown the lives of the people the dogs are chosen to help.

The first episode of the two-part series will air tonight on TG4 at 9.30pm, with the second episode scheduled for December 4th, and will also be available to watch on TG4 Player.