It’s officially the most depressing day of the year

It’s officially the most depressing day of the year

IT’S OFFICIALLY the most depressing day of the year.

Dubbed “Blue Monday”, the third Monday of January has been earmarked by experts as the bleakest day of any on the yearly calendar.

It’s not difficult to see why researchers reached that conclusion.

Blue Monday comes in the weeks directly after arguably the happiest time of the year, Christmas.

It arrives amid short, overcast days, where the darkness draws in early into the evening.

Temperatures are also decidedly low, while the weather veers between cold, wet and windy.

Even snow – something much more welcome and whimsical in December – takes on a decidedly bleak tone with icy conditions leading to problems on the road and slip-ups on the pavement.

Then there’s the work situation.

After a well-earned break over the festive period, most return have spent time gorging on food and drink, leaving them in a near-comatose state.

It’s here that the contemplation on the general direction of your life begins with the heady mix of sugar, carbs and alcohol leaving many questioning every decision they have ever made.

Figures have already shown January to be the month where the most people go in search of a new job and change of direction in their careers.

And even if they do stick with their current jobs, January brings other financial challenges.

With many employers opting to pay workers early in order to ensure they enjoy Christmas, January can end up being a bleak month with money hard to come by.

Even by Monday January 20th, most will be facing at least two more weeks until pay day.

And by this point, those new year resolutions could already be on the wane.

The Blue Monday anguish is real but there are plenty of ways to combat the blues.

Catching up with friends, talking through your problems and engaging in misery-busting activities like exercise can help.

Failing that, speaking to your local doctor about how you are feeling can help.