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New opinion poll shows support for Fine Gael remains high during Covid-19 pandemic

New opinion poll shows support for Fine Gael remains high during Covid-19 pandemic

SUPPORT FOR Fine Gael remains high during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the results of a new opinion poll. 

The latest Red C poll for the Business Post shows that Ireland’s ruling party continues to lead the way with 35% of the public backing Leo Varadkar’s party. 

Sinn Féin remain second in the polls at 27%, with support for the top two parties unchanged from the previous Red C poll. 

Fianna Fáil, meanwhile, is back in third, but up one point to 15%. 

Elsewhere, the Green Party is down one to 5%, while the Soc Dems are up one to 4%. 

Labour is unchanged at 3% with People Before Profit still on 2% support. 

Aontu is on 1% and Independents are down one point to 7%. 

The results continue the trend of renewed support for Fine Gael and Leo Varadkar in the wake of Ireland’s coronavirus pandemic. 

The Taoiseach has won widespread praise for his handling of the crisis, with deaths in Ireland significantly down on the number and proportion seen in the UK. 

Mr Varadkar was quick to unveil a comprehensive five-step plan for easing Ireland out of the current lockdown.  

He has also played an active role in the fight against COVID-19, having re-registered as a doctor to support frontline staff. 

The opinion poll’s results represent a major turnaround for Fine Gael, who gained 20.9% of first preference votes in Ireland’s general election last February, behind both Sinn Féin (24.5%) and Fianna Fáil (22.2%).  

That represented a record for the largest decline in public support for a ruling political party.