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Moped driver survives having head run over by lorry's back wheels
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Moped driver survives having head run over by lorry's back wheels

SHOCKING FOOTAGE of a moped driver seemingly cheating death after having his head run over by a lorry is leaving viewers stunned online.

A video, filmed in busy traffic over in the Philippines, captures the moment the unnamed biker loses his balance before appearing to fall under the back wheels of a large lorry.

The moped user had been attempting to overtake the huge vehicle on a busy road when the accident occurred.

But incredibly, rather than suffer a grisly fate, the biker in question not only survived the ordeal but actually walked away from the crash largely unscathed.

Filmed in Cainta by a nearby vehicle, the footage shows the green helmeted rider try to squeeze past the lorry on the onside near to the pavement.

He loses his balance, toppling over with his head landing right in the path of the lorry's wheels.

The man was able to survive the ordeal thanks to his crash helmet, which took the brunt of the lorry's weight.

Though the rider appeared dazed when other driver stopped traffic to come to his aid, he was nevertheless relatively unscathed.

It's an incident that serves to highlight the importance of wearing helmets of this kind when operating motorbikes and mopeds on roads.

Motorcyclists are dangerously over-represented in Irish road collision statistics.

According to the Road Safety Authority, they represent less than 2% of licensed vehicles but 10% of road deaths and are six times more likely to be killed on Irish roads than any other road user.