Lord of the Dance
Listen to the Irish waterfall that's helping the sick and the stressed from all over the world

Listen to the Irish waterfall that's helping the sick and the stressed from all over the world

CLOSE your eyes, put in your headphones, listen to the video below and you could be transported to Ireland.

This video of a simple waterfall on the River Bonet Co. Leitrim has been viewed over six million times on YouTube and is helping people who are sufferring from stress and insomnia.

“I’ve had views from China, from the Vatican and even some of the tiniest islands around the world” visual artist Johnnie Lawson, the Leitrim man behind the video told The Irish Post. 

The idea came to Lawson a few years ago when he had uploaded a 10 minute nature video to YouTube.

“A woman in New York got in touch to say she was recovering from a car crash and was using the video to heal,” Johnnie said. “So from there, it just took off.”

Now, Lawson uploads a video per week – and has amassed an impressive collection of 170 nature videos over the years.

“One particularly touching moment was when a Native American got in touch,"he said. "His mother was passing into the spirit world and he said he just played the videos over and over and eventually she just passed over.”

“I’ve even had a chain of hospices in America asking could they play my videos in their 14 buildings,” he added.

Watch Johnnie’s viral video below – which has been viewed almost 7 million times!