Leo Varadkar among world leaders to send messages of support to Boris Johnson

Leo Varadkar among world leaders to send messages of support to Boris Johnson

WORLD LEADERS and public figures across the globe have come together to send messages of support to Boris Johnson after the British Prime Minister was admitted to intensive care on Monday evening.

Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney sent their best with the Tanaiste tweeting that "everyone in Ireland is tonight wishing Boris Johnson well".

"This is a difficult time for the UK and it's Govt [sic]. We in Ireland wish the PM a speedy reovery," Coveney continued.

After a Conservative MP thanked him for the message, Coveney replied: "He’s in our prayers tonight."

Leo Varadkar similarly wished Johnson a "a speedy recovery and a rapid return to health".

55-year-old Johnson was taken to St Thomas' Hospital in London on Sunday, 10 days after being diagnosed with Covid-19.

When symptoms of the virus - which included a fever and a cough - worsened, he was moved to the ICU.

Last night it was reported that Johnson had to be given oxygen to help him breathe.

World leaders were out in droves to wish Mr Johnson a speedy recovery, including US President Donald Trump, who sent a message of support to the British PM on Sunday as well after news broke that he'd been taken to hospital.

"We are saddened to hear that he was taken to intensive care ... Americans are all praying for his recovery. He's been a really good friend. He's been something really very special," Trump said.

"Strong, resolute, doesn't quit, doesn't give up."

It's understood that Trump has also contacted Boris' doctors, asking if there was any way he could help.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who himself contracted coronavirus a few weeks ago, tweeted that he was thinking of Johnson's family at what must be a trying time.

"Sending my best wishes to Prime Minister Boris Johnson for a full and speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you and your family right now. Hope to see you back at Number 10 soon" Trudeau wrote.

French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted a similar message: "I send all my support to Boris Johnson, to his family and to the British people at this difficult moment. I wish him a speedy recovery at this testing time."

Deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, Sinn Fein's Michelle O'Neill said: "Wishing Boris Johnson and all those battling Covid-19 every best wish to a speedy recovery."