Latest search for couple missing from Co. Meath since 2015 is stood down

Latest search for couple missing from Co. Meath since 2015 is stood down

GARDÍ investigating the disappearance and murder of a man and woman from Co. Meath have stood down the latest search for the couple.

William Maughan and Anastasija Varslavane were last seen on April 14, 2015, with the case upgraded to a murder investigation following a review in September 2016.

Last Friday, gardaí began a search of open lands at Ring Commons, Balrothery East in north County Dublin.

However, investigators revealed on Tuesday that the search had concluded after 'nothing of evidential value' was found at the site.

Gardaí have updated the family of the developments and urged anyone with information in relation to the disappearance and murder of Mr Maughan and Ms Varslavane to contact them.

"Given the passage of time since their disappearance, individuals' personal circumstances may now have changed and people may now be in a position to either speak to investigating gardaí or to provide information now that they may not have been able to provide before," read a garda statement.


Mr Maughan and Ms Varslavane had been living in a caravan in Gormanston, Co. Meath but were in the process of relocating to Mr Maughan's family home in Tallaght, Dublin.

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015, Mr Maughan called his mother at about 2.30pm and asked her to make her way out to Gormanston to collect them.

She arrived just before 3pm but there was no sign of the couple and they have not been seen since.

An extensive investigation was launched with several searches and enquiries carried out.

Seven people have been previously arrested in connection with the disappearance and murder of the couple but no one has ever been charged.

An Garda Síochána has appealed to anyone with any information, no matter how small, to contact the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666111, Ashbourne Garda Station on 01 8010600 or any garda station.

Any information will be treated with the strictest confidence.