Knifeman jailed for slashing stranger in face in ‘horrendous attack’

Knifeman jailed for slashing stranger in face in ‘horrendous attack’

A MAN has been jailed for slashing a stranger across the face in a knife attack described as “horrendous” by police investigators.

Shaun Hill was standing outside a pub at 5.20pm on December 5, 2023 when he spotted another man waiting for a taxi nearby.

The 33-year-old, of Bamford Drive in Mansfield, lit a cigarette before walking over to where his victim was standing in Forest Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield.

He waited for a passer-by to leave the area and then grabbed his victim from behind and slashed him multiple times across the face with a blade.

Hill then left his victim and went into a pub and ordered a drink. It was there that he was arrested by Nottinghamshire Police officers.

Shaun Hill has been jailed

“This was a horrendous attack, that was seemingly committed completely at random by Hill,” Detective Constable Rebecca Pottage, of Nottinghamshire Police, said.

“The way in which he casually walked up to and away from his victim after doing what he did was truly unsettling to see,” she added.

“His decision to target his unsuspecting victim in this appalling manner left the man with devastating injuries and scars to his face that he’ll have to carry forever.

“This incident sadly shows the life-altering impact those who decide to carry a knife can cause to others, as well as themselves.”

When arrested, Hill was still in possession of the knife he’d used during the attack.

He was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possessing a knife in public, which he later pleaded guilty to in court.

He appeared at Nottingham Crown Court yesterday (June 24) where he was given a nine year extended sentence.

“We still don’t know exactly why Hill chose to do what he did that evening, but what is clear is that he is a dangerous man who belongs behind bars,” Det Con Pottage said.

“Bearing this in mind, we’re pleased to see Hill has now received a lengthy prison sentence, which we hope will provide some form of comfort to his victim.”