Judge admits taking part in neknomination was 'foolish'

Judge admits taking part in neknomination was 'foolish'

A JUDGE in Northern Ireland who downed a shot of alcohol as part of a neknomination has referred to her actions as “foolish.”

An online video shows Judge Rosemary Watters at a family event pointing to a named person and saying, “I neck and nominate you.”

The 48-year-old has not been suspended, but the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland is “making enquiries” about the incident.

In a statement from the Lord Chief Justice’s Office it was noted that Judge Watters “recognises her foolish behaviour.”

It also states that she “would discourage anyone else from repeating what she did”.

Judge Watters - who serves on the district or magistrates court - has been involved in a number of high-profile cases including those concerning dissident republicans facing serious charges that were referred to the higher crown court.

The 15-second footage of Judge Watters comes shortly after the death of Jonny Byrne from Co Carlow which was linked to the neknomination trend.

The drinking game, which has gone viral on social media, requires a person to film themselves downing a drink and then nominate a friend to do the same.

Irish MEP Sean Kelly has said the European legislation is needed to monitor social media for dangerous activities such as neknominations.