Joe Biden congratulates Simon Harris on becoming Taoiseach as pair discuss global issues

Joe Biden congratulates Simon Harris on becoming Taoiseach as pair discuss global issues

US PRESIDENT Joe Biden formally congratulated Simon Harris on becoming Taoiseach while the pair discussed global affairs during a phone call last night.

In a statement issued after the call the White House confirmed the President “spoke with Taoiseach Simon Harris of Ireland to congratulate him on his recent election as Taoiseach and to deepen U.S.-Ireland cooperation on a range of issues”.

“President Biden highlighted continued cooperation with the Irish government on shared priorities, particularly deepening U.S.- Ireland ties between our people and our economies,” the statement added.

Taoiseach Simon Harris takes the call with US President Joe Biden

Among a range of topics covered by the state leaders during the call, they tackled cybersecurity, peace in Northern Ireland and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

The President was keen to “highlight the importance of cybersecurity to ensure a thriving tech sector in Ireland, home to many U.S. tech companies”, the White House said.

“They also discussed the conflict between Israel and Hamas, underscoring the need to increase humanitarian aid reaching people in Gaza and reaffirmed their commitment to a two-state solution,” they said, before adding: “They reaffirmed the importance of stability in Northern Ireland, underpinned by its Executive and Assembly to preserve the gains of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.

US President Joe Biden has congratulated Taoiseach Simon Harris on his new role

The Taoiseach’s office have said that the call covered a range of topics, including “power-sharing in Northern Ireland, the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement and the ongoing work of the US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs, Joe Kennedy”.

“They discussed the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, the need for an immediate ceasefire, for all hostages to be released and for aid to flow freely,” they added.

The Taoiseach also briefed President Biden on the Ukraine Peace Summit held in Switzerland, which he attended over the weekend, and his conversation there with US Vice President Kamala Harris.

“President Biden told the Taoiseach that the United States would continue to support Ukraine and that the world must stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes,” the Taoiseach’s office confirmed.

“The Taoiseach and President Biden discussed the deep and growing economic ties between Ireland and the United States and Simon Harris also thanked the President for his enduring friendship to Ireland,” they added.

“He wished President Biden and the American people well.”