READERS of The Irish Post have spoken out about their voting intentions come June 23 – with the majority claiming they will vote to remain in the EU.
A total of 916 people took part on our online Brexit survey and a total 55 people responded to a reader poll conducted in the newspaper.
The results of the online poll revealed that 55 per cent of online readers will be voting to remain, 37 per cent will vote to leave, with 4 per cent undecided and 4 per cent abstaining from the vote.
A whopping 34 of the 55 people who responded to the newspaper poll told us they would choose to keep Britain in the European Union.
Just 16 people claimed they will opt to leave when they vote in the EU referendum later this month.
A further two respondents say they are still undecided as to how they will vote, while three people stated that they had no intention of taking part in the upcoming ballot.
Maintaining links with Ireland, and the EU “family” more generally, were among the reasons given by those who will vote to stay.

“It would be detrimental for Ireland if Britain were to vote to leave the EU,” Sadie Lettice, from Stamford in Lincolnshire, told us.
Martin Lock, from Exeter, added: “Britain staying in the EU will remain closer friends with Ireland.”
For Stephen Colbert, from Scotland, the thought of leaving the union had far graver connotations.
“I feel Europe is underattack, leaving would be the same as desertion,” he said.
For some there is no question in their minds about where to place their referendum vote.
Séan Ryan, from Haverford West, claims: “Only fools will vote to leave the EU, I am 100 per cent voting to stay in.”
Patrick Gallagher, who is based in Richmond, Surrey, added “staying in Europe makes very good sense – out is a disaster”, while Dave Neylon in north Wales simplystated “keep the family together, let’s not break up our European family”.
In the leave camp, the arguments our readers offered for their choice revolved around questions of freedom, democracy and the economy.
“I’m just fed up of Brussels dictating to us and overturning sentences made by our supreme court,” said Mr Farrell, based in Luton.
“We’re not leaving Europe– just escaping a corrupt and failing bureaucracy,” added Christy Evans, from Shenfield in Essex.
For Gerard Martin, a number of factors are fuelling his decision to vote to leave Europe.
“Being a member of the EU means no sense of community, uncontrolled immigration, low wages, crime going up etc. etc.” explained the Irishman, who lives in Wembley, north London.