Lord of the Dance
Irish Embassy urges first-time applicants to seek ESP grants

Irish Embassy urges first-time applicants to seek ESP grants

ORGANISATIONS hoping to secure an Irish Government grant to support their services for the Irish community in Britain in 2015 must make their application before February 25.

Which means there are less than three weeks until the closing date for the current round of Emigrant Support Programme Funding, which opened for applications on January 21.

The grants, which are available to projects which “address the diverse and evolving needs of Irish emigrants”, “facilitate access to statutory and voluntary services for Irish emigrants” and “foster a more vibrant sense of community and of Irish identity”, are open to new and ongoing recipients.

And the Irish Embassy in London is encouraging new applicants for 2015, claiming “applications are particularly welcome from organisations that have not applied before and/or from new projects in geographic areas not previously assisted”.

In the 10 years to 2014 ESP funding has assisted over 400 organisations in 26 countries with grants totalling over €114m.

Last year the Irish Government allocated £5.1m in ESP support to 113 organisations serving the Irish community in Britain — a slight decrease on the £5.4m allocated to British-based organisations in 2013.

Applications for the 2015 round of grants must be made online, where applicants are required to complete a 14-page questionnaire and provide supporting documents where required.

An Irish Embassy spokesperson said: “The Irish Government, through the Emigrant Support Programme, provides funding to non-profit organisations which support and connect the Irish community in Britain. The Emigrant Support Programme is a tangible expression of the Irish Government’s support of, commitment to, and interest in, the global Irish community. Our vision is a vibrant, diverse global Irish community, connected to Ireland and to each other.”

Emigrant Support Programme grant criteria

ESP funding will support projects which seek to fulfil one or more of the following objectives:

• Celebrate, maintain and strengthen the links between Ireland and the global Irish

• Address the diverse and evolving needs of Irish emigrants, especially the elderly, disadvantaged and vulnerable

• Facilitate access to statutory and voluntary services in their country of residence for Irish emigrants

• Foster a more vibrant sense of community and of Irish identity

• Further the outcomes of the Global Irish Economic Forum

• Support business networks to connect Irish people to each other at home and abroad

• Research and define the emerging needs of Irish communities abroad

• Support development of new ways to communicate and connect with the increasingly diverse global Irish, including non-traditional diasporas

• Improve awareness and understanding of the emigrant and diaspora experience

More information about the Emigrant Support Programme and how to apply for funding is available by calling 020 7235 2171 or visiting www.dfa.ie  or www.irishabroadgrants.ie.

Hard copy applications not accepted.