Irish DJ leads calls for The Pogues' Fairytale of New York to be censored - but not everyone agrees

Irish DJ leads calls for The Pogues' Fairytale of New York to be censored - but not everyone agrees

IRISH DJ Eoghan McDermott has called for broadcasters to censor the lyrics to The Pogues Christmas classic "Fairytale of New York" in an issue that has proven divisive with fans of the song.

McDermott, who has a show on RTÉ radio, voiced his concerns in series of tweets in which he claimed several members of staff are uncomfortable with the song's use of the word "faggot".

"I asked the two gay members of my team how they feel, since faggot is their N word. If people want to slur the gay community, this is their most powerful weapon," he wrote.

"One favours censoring, the other outright not playing it. Neither like it. Simples."

"Phrases that have zero social utility should fall away. Enough vitriol out there without gay people having to feel uncomfortable so people that aren't affected by an insult can tap their toe."

McDermott called on radio stations to move with the times and censor the song.

"The fact this song is a classic isn't a strong enough defence to not at least censor it," he said.

"We censor shit, fuck, ass, weed and loads of other comparatively benign words in songs. It's not a big ask."

The comments come as part of a wider debate over the inclusion of the lyric in the duet between Shane MacGowan and Kirsty MacColl, which also includes the word "slut".

Fans from both sides of the Atlantic weighed into the debate, with many taking McDermott's side in the argument.

There was some backlash though, with many taking to social media to express their dismay at the idea of the song being censored.

Some fought back, pointing to a double standard and arguing that the use of the word, in any context, was unacceptable.

A few people were able to see the funny side.

And there was a fairly sizeable Irish contingent who were keen to highlight what the word means in Ireland and why that may have a bearing on the debate.

Thankfully, there was one thing everyone could agree about the song: Ronan Keating's 2000 cover version is truly dreadful.

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