Ireland should hold abortion referendum now, says Amnesty International

Ireland should hold abortion referendum now, says Amnesty International

IRISH attitudes to abortion are changing according to a poll released yesterday.

The poll, commissioned by Amnesty International, showed that over 80 per cent of Irish people want the current abortion law amended. The poll suggests that the Irish public are in favour of easier access to legal abortions.

The poll also showed that half the Irish population were not aware that abortion was a criminal offence, with less than one in 10 unaware of the penalty for having an unlawful abortion in Ireland. When asked outright whether abortion should be decriminalized 67 per cent were in favour.

The results have led Amnesty International to call on the Irish Government to hold a referendum.

Ireland became the first country to legalise gay marriage by popular mandate following the Marriage Referendum in May when 62 per cent of the country voted in favour.

Colm O’Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland, said: “This poll demonstrates that on the issue of abortion, Ireland’s people are clearly ahead of their government leaders. The Irish Government should put this issue to the people as a matter of priority.”

Mara Clarke, Director of the Abortion Support network, a charity which helps Irish women travel to Britain to obtain legal abortions, said: “There's no question that there is an appetite for a liberalisation of the abortion law in Ireland.

"We live in hope that the day will come when people in Ireland can access abortion care without having to leave the country. In the meantime, Abortion Support Network will continue to help the women and families who contact us for help."

Not all were confident that the poll demonstrates a change in public opinion.

Irish pro-life campaigner Cora Sherlock said: “The claim from Amnesty Ireland Director Colm O'Gorman that there has been a major transformation in attitudes to abortion does not stand up to closer scrutiny.

“I'm confident that as the current debate develops it will become much clearer that the Eighth Amendment, which provides the last remaining legal protection for the unborn, remains a force for good and is responsible for saving many lives and for creating an ethos of care that respects and protects both mother and baby in pregnancy.”