Lord of the Dance
You can see the International Space Station pass brightly by Venus and the moon tonight

You can see the International Space Station pass brightly by Venus and the moon tonight

STARGAZERS IN Ireland will be in for a treat tonight as the International Space Station will be shining brightly in the night sky as it passes over the country.

The space station, which earlier this month took a superb photograph of Ireland on a spectacularly clear St Patrick's Day, has been visible the past couple of nights-- as people have been sharing on Astronomy Ireland's Twitter page-- but tonight it will appear brighter than ever.

The station will be visible tonight, 31 March 2020, between 8.41 and 8.50pm as it passes by the moon and the planet Venus, which has also been shining brightly in the sky this week, making tonight's viewing extra special.

NASA's 'Spot the Station' website shows the exact time the station will be visible depending on where in Ireland you'll be watching from, and it seems the best time to view it will be at 8.45pm, but we'd recommend watching the entire time, as this won't be one to be missed.

Skies are set to be clear from clouds in most areas of Ireland tonight, and with most people house-bound by the virus and no pubs, restaurants, gigs or lectures to attend, this is one thing the country can enjoy together without having to leave their homes.