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Heartbroken & Punished - Couple live tweet journey from Ireland to Liverpool abortion clinic to terminate pregnancy with fatal foetal abnormality

Heartbroken & Punished - Couple live tweet journey from Ireland to Liverpool abortion clinic to terminate pregnancy with fatal foetal abnormality

AN Irish couple are live tweeting their journey today to an abortion clinic in Liverpool to terminate a pregnancy with fatal foetal abnormalities. 

Husband and wife, 'Heartbroken&Punished', are travelling to the northern English city to abort their pregnancy after discovering the foetus had Edwards Syndrome.

Edwards Syndrome is a serious genetic condition causing babies to grow very slowly in the womb with a low birthweight and a number of serious medical problems.

Of those babies who survive to birth, half will die in the first two weeks, one in five will live to three months and one in 12 will survive beyond one year.

Earlier this month, the couple tweeted their reasons for their journey.

"This Thursday November 10, we will travel to the UK from Ireland to have a termination," their statement read, "This is not by choice."

"Three months ago after many attempts we were overjoyed at the discovery we were successful.

"Our first child was born with a genetic condition that meant we spent many months in hospital and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future."

The couple said that although there was a risk that any future children may carry the same condition, "it was a risk worth taking."

After a genetic screening test discovered the foetus had Edwards Syndrome, the couple were told that if the pregnancy carried to full term, "life would be counted in minutes and hours" after birth.

The decision, they said, was "crushing" but it was the "most humane thing possible to a baby that will never survive."

"We hope this may enlighten those who do not want to listen or even allow the people of this country to decide for themselves.

"We hope that by documenting your experience may help those that may have been through something similar or may be unfortunate enough to do so in the future," they said.

Click here to follow their journey so far. Read what Heartbroken&Punished have tweeted so far...