THE IRISH housing crisis has been the centre of controversy and anger for a number of years now, and it doesn't look like it will end any time soon.
With a lack of affordable housing for students and young people, particularly in the cities-- and especially in Dublin-- a variety of social media pages have been set up to show the state of the rental market in Ireland.
High prices for tiny apartments, hundreds of euro a month to share a room-- or sometimes even a bed-- with strangers, expensive 'studio apartments' so small you you can't open the oven door without it hitting your bed, young Irish people have become exasperated, to put it lightly.
And so, a new listing on Irish rental website divided opinion when the advertisement went viral on social media.

Located in Kilcock, County Kildare, the 'apartment' used to be a small school bus, and has been converted into a two-bedroom accommodation, with insulation, gas heater, hot and cold water and wifi-- as well as a large storage area.
But while the idea itself is original and quirky, the price, at €900 a month, angered many-- particularly as the bus is permanently parked outside a residence where the tenant would go to use the washer and dryer.
Posting the listing on Reddit, user WutUtalkingBoutWill wrote: "I've seen it all, a fecking bus converted into an "apartment" for €900 a month."
"Cool for like an Airbnb thing for a few nights break, not your actual home," one person replied to the advertisement. "And 900 euros? Jesus, the absolute gaul of some people."
"I think this is absolutely fine to give as an option if people want it but 900€/month is insane," another user agreed.
The property, which has a one-year lease attached, was described in the listing as "very comfortable" and "glamping at its best"-- but one person angrily replied "Nothing about that bus is glamorous or camping".
"Maybe clamping," another replied.