'Finally have the smoking-hot body I have always wanted' – Woman’s hilarious obituary goes viral
Life & Style

'Finally have the smoking-hot body I have always wanted' – Woman’s hilarious obituary goes viral

OBITUARIES ARE supposed to be sombre affairs full of heartfelt tributes and expressions of sadness at the loss just experienced.

But Sybil Hick from Hamilton in Canada decided to do things a little differently when it came to the formal announcement of her own passing.

A short message published in the obituaries section of the Hamilton Spectator noted that Sybil died “peacefully” with her eldest daughter by her side earlier this month (February 2nd).

The obituary begins to take on a slightly more amusing tone, however, when the note goes on to refer to Sybil’s “loving husband” as a “Horse’s A**.”

A native of Baysville in Ontario, the message details how she was an avid gardener and pays tribute to her “children whom I tolerated over the years.”

The best line is reserved for last though. “I finally have the smoking-hot body I have always wanted … having been cremated,” it ends.

The obituary is accompanied by a suitably comical picture of Sybil, adding to the portrait of a woman who put a smile on the face of everyone she knew.

Speaking to Yahoo, Sybil’s daughter Barb Drummond confirmed her mother was 81 at the time of her death and that she died from complications of Alzheimers.

"Our mom had a fantastic sense of humor," she said.

"Mom lived large. She would do anything for anyone. It was rare for Mom not to have a smile on her face. Mom was always ready for a laugh."