Lord of the Dance
Green Wall of China! Global Greening underway as landmarks light up for St Patrick’s Day
Life & Style

Green Wall of China! Global Greening underway as landmarks light up for St Patrick’s Day

COUNTRIES around the globe have embraced St Patrick’s Day by lighting up their landmarks green.

As Ireland celebrates its foremost patron saint, the rest of the world has embraced Tourism Ireland’s ‘Global Greening’ initiative.

Famous landmarks going green again this year include the London Eye, Niagara Falls and the Sydney Opera House, among others.

They will be joined by new attractions for 2018, including the Natural History Museum in London, the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas and the Palestinian Museum in Ramallah.

While the festivities are in their early stages in Ireland, St Patrick’s Day is already well under way across the globe, with many landmarks already lighting the way.

Tourism Ireland has been rounding up those that have already gone green…

Great wall of China

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Sydney Opera House, Australia

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Sammy Ofer Stadium, Haifa, Israel

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Las Vegas, USA

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

De Mirandabad, Amsterdam, Netherlands

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Marbella, Spain

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Lake Nasijarvi Lighthouse, Tampere, Finland

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Palestinian Museum, Ramallah, West Bank

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

San Mamés Stadium, Bilbao, Spain

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Glavna Posta, Belgrade, Serbia

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Niagara Falls, Canada

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Jiangxin Islet, China

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Selfridge's, London, Great Britain

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Luxor Obélisque, Paris, France

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Lion Statue, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

DOT, Groningen, Netherlands

(Image: Tourism Ireland)

Burj Al Arab, UAE

(Image: Tourism Ireland)